Fast Fashion - Clothing's Contributions to our Plastic Problems


How fast fashion adds to the world’s clothing waste problem (CBC – Marketplace)

"Fast fashion is a major contributor to the world's clothing waste problem. Many of us give our old clothes to charity or drop them in a store take-back bin, but you might be surprised to learn most of it is sold and can end up in the landfill."

"Our old and unwanted clothes are creating an environmental crisis. In 2015, we sent 10 million tons of textiles to landfills in the U.S. That’s equivalent in weight to about 5 million cars. If you think you’re solving the problem by donating or recycling your old clothes, think again. They don’t always end up where you expect. NBCLX storyteller Bianca Graulau takes a closer look at the problem of clothing waste and how your shopping habit is hurting the planet."

"A single clothes wash can release up to 700,000 microplastic fibres, many of which end up in the ocean. Now some pioneering fashion brands are putting the materials they use under the microscope. Film supported by  @The Woolmark Company"   

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