Invasive Species Research Project Slideshow


Today, we are going to start a research project about an invasive species in Canada of your choice.  This will be a combination of language and science.  The first question you may ask yourself is, “What is an invasive species?”

An invasive species is a non-indigenous species (e.g. plants or animals) that adversely (negatively) effect the habitats they invade economically, environmentally or ecologically.

The first step is going to be to choose an invasive species that you would like to learn about.  You can use some of the following websites to help you become familiar with Canada’s invasive species.

Invasive Species Centre -

Invasive Species List and Information for Ontario -

Invasive Species Article (CBC News) -

The second step is going to involve answering the following questions about the invasive species.

1.      What is the name of your invasive species?

2.      Where did it originate (or originally come from)?

3.      What problems does it cause for the environment?

4.      What problems does it cause for other animals?

5.      What problems does it cause for the economy (businesses and jobs)?

6.      What can people do to help control the invasive species?

      It is important to answer all the questions as each question will be a heading on your slideshow.  It is also important to use more than one source for your project.  This will help ensure the accuracy of your information.  

      Remember to cut and paste the links of the websites where you gathered your information and to collect relevant pictures and graphics for your slideshow. 

      It is not a race.  You will have a few days to research, gather information and construct your slideshow for this assignment.

        Success Criteria

        Your presentation needs to be completed in Google slides.

2. Each question is heading on a slide.

3. We need pictures on each slide.

4. We need information that will answer our questions.

5. You must include a title slide that identifies the species that you will be researching

6. Make sure you use proper punctuation, capitals and sentence structure

7. On the last slide make sure you copy and paste all the online resources you used to get information.     (This will be the URL.)

      If you have and questions, comments or concerns please ask for assistance.

Good Luck,

Mr. Tessier

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