Grade 6 - Independent Research Assignment - Video Instructions

 The following videos outline the independent research project process.

Steps 1 & 2                                                                Steps 3 & 4

Review of the Steps...                                                Step 5 - The communication Stage

The Final Review 

Celebration Silhouettes


1. Trace each student's profile (head, neck, and top of shoulders) on the white sheet. It's probably best to be the tracer for your students.

2. Inside their head they will add their name (very large), pictures that represent them, then colour it. It looks great if they colour the entire inside. **The example above is missing the name of the student, but you get the idea.

3. Have them cut it out.

4. Glue onto black construction paper, with the white sheet lined up right along the bottom of the black paper.

5. Bring to rehearsal to hang up afterwards.

Grade 6 Celebration Slide Show


Here is a link to the slideshow - Grade 6 Celebration Slideshow

Please complete your slide when you have completed your other work.

Language - Reading Comprehension - Aesop's Fables


Here is a link to the list of Aesop's Fables - Aesop's Fables

Please read two or three fables and then complete the form below.

Humidity and Heat



Please watch the above videos about humidity and heat.

Language - Reading Comprehension - Bridge Mechanics


Please click on the images above to read the article and then answer the questions on the Google form below.  Please ensure you read the questions before you start reading the article.

Language / Health - Setting Goals for the Summer

Good Morning, Grade 6!

Since we are into the last weeks of school, I thought it would be good to start thinking about our summer goals.

Today's task is to brainstorm goals that you would like to accomplish this summer.  Your goals should be realistic and fall into the following three categories:

academic goals
fitness goals
community goals (where you help someone in your house or neighborhood)

While brainstorming, also think about how you will accomplish your goals. Once you have a good idea of your goals and your method of reaching those goals, fill out the Google form below.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please email me at:

Have a great day and take care,

Mr. T

Social Studies - The Punic Wars


Here is a link to the text - The Punic Wars

Please complete the reading above and complete Google form below.

Language / Social Studies - Juneteenth, Explained



Here is a link to the reading: Juneteenth, Explained

Please read the text linked above and answer the questions on the Google form below.

Dance - The History of Dance



Here is a link to the reading - The History of Dance

Please complete the activity on the exercise sheet that will be handed out in class.

Language / Science - Weird, Wild Weather: Lightning




Here is a link to the reading - Weird, Wild Weather: Lightning

Please read the text linked above and answer the questions on the Google form below.

Art - Create a Digital Collage of Happiness

Your art task today is to create a digital collage of happiness on Jam Board.  Please ensure you share your collage with me once it is completed:

Language / Social Studies - Tommy Douglas: The Man Who Brought Health Care to All Canadians


Here is a link to the reading: Tommy Douglas: The Man Who Brought Health Care to All Canadians

Please read the text linked above and then answer the questions on the Google form.

Language / Social Studies - Understanding D-Day: The Canadian Contribution to Operation Overlord




Here is the link to the reading - Understanding D-Day: The Canadian Contribution to Operation Overlord

Read the text above and answer the questions on the Google form below.