Language - Biographies - Marvin Gaye's Impact on the Civil Rights Movement in the United States



Here is a link to the reading: Marvin Gaye's Impact on the Civil Rights Movement in the United States

Please read the passage linked above and then answer the questions below.

What is Happening in this Picture?


Writing Prompt - What is Happening in this Picture?

Pick one of the pictures above and write a story about what you believe is happening in the picture.  Please use Google Docs to write your story and then share it with me.  Click on the shared button in the top right corner of the screen.  My email is:

Remember to use capitals, full sentences and proper punctuation.  Your story should be no longer than two paragraphs and must have something to do with the picture you chose.  Please remember to edit your work before you share it with me.

Calculating Sales Tax

Current HST rate for Ontario in 2022

The HST for Ontario is calculated from an Ontario Tax of 8% and a Canada rate of 5% for a total of 13%.

To calculate only the sales tax, take the price of the item and multiply it by (x .13).

To calculate the price of the item with sales tax, take the price of the item and multiply it by (x 1.13).

Hello, Grade 6!

Imagine that you are now a teenager with a part-time job.  You just received your first pay after working hard for two weeks.  The total amount of money you earned was $200.00.  You are excited after receiving your first pay and you have many plans:

There are a couple of things that you need to buy:

1. You have a party that you need to go to, and you need to pick out a gift for a friend that is no more         than $25.00 with tax.

2. You promised your family that you would purchase a meal for them when you received your pay.          The meal must include a main course, dessert, and soft drinks.  How much did the meal cost with             tax.

3. You want to download 10 songs legally.  What is the cost of the downloads with tax?

4. You need to buy a new outfit for the party.  Please calculate the price of your outfit with tax.

5. You feel like you should treat yourself to something special for all your hard work.  You can buy            one more random item that you think you need and calculate the price of that item with tax.

6.    A friend suddenly calls and tells you that they have an extra ticket to an exhibition hockey game           between the Leafs and the Canadiens.  The ticket only cost $100 with tax.  Do you have enough           money to go?  Can you change your purchases above to afford the ticket?  Please provide an                    explanation of your decision.

Your task is to complete a slideshow, including pictures of purchases, links to where you found your information and your calculations of sales tax.  I would also like to know how much money you have left over (if any) and what you would do with any leftover money your may have.

Please share your slideshow with me once you are completed:


Mr. T

Interpreting Bar Graphs - Fruit


Reading Comprehension - Video Games: Not Just for Fun


Please click on the following link and complete the Google Form below.